Category: A Mill Town

  • The Bordeaux Family

    [flagallery gid=5 name=”Gallery”] ALLEN BORDEAUX  (1833-1917)  Allen emigrated to Malone from Canada, probably Quebec, at about the age of 15.  Family tradition holds that he studied for the Catholic priesthood, and even in old age he assisted at house masses held in Reynoldston.  At about the age of 24 he married Julia Hutchins, of Malone. …

  • The Interviews:

    Interviews for Reynoldston New York History   In 1969, Mr. Langlois learned about oral history and with his friend, Robert H. McGowan, both in their third year of college in New York State.  They began to record interviews on the mill and logging community of Reynoldston, New York, a community where Mr. Langlois’ ancestors had…

  • The Bowen Mill, Skerry NY

  • The Families

    The Families of Reynoldston: For some of those whose ancestry reaches back to Eddy Road, Reynoldston is remembered more for the character of its residents than for the prosperity of its mill. The community’s real wealth rested in the work ethic of the labourers, each striving to support a large and extended family.  Each man…

  • Christmas in Reynoldston NY

                            Christmas In Reynoldston Christmas in Reynoldston was celebrated in a very modest way during most of its history.   Few people had much money to buy gifts for Christmas.  For many of the men it was one of the few holidays they did not…


    For a Video narrative/skit of the following  short shory CLICK HERE   New Year’s Eve in Reynoldston     By W. Langlois & R.H. McGowan * This story previously published in York State Tradition summer 1970 was based on stories told to us by residents.  It is an fictitious elaboration on a traditional New Year’s Eve event…

  • The Bordeaux Hall

    The Bordeaux Dance Hall    Around 1906, Ted and Miner Bordeaux, tried to make money by setting up their own business. At this point in its history Reynoldston had not started to lose population; furthermore, in Skerry to the East and in the Bangor to the north family farms provided a decent living for their…


    One Room School    Earliest Schooling Mrs. Delia Moquin remembers hearing that when Orson and Phoebe Reynoldst first started the mill that Phoebe taught school to the few children that lived in the community in the same building that later became the company store. * * From notes taken by RH. McGowan in August 1978…

  • Religious Beliefs

    Religion The people we interviewed for the history of Reynoldston uniformly thought that the majority of the community’s residents were Catholic. The Reynoldses and Trims, however, were Protestant, and there were those who practiced no religion at all. As no church was ever built in Reynoldston, religious instruction rested primarily with the family.  Devout Catholics…

  • Home Life

      Home Life   Many of the houses of Reynoldston provided little more than four walls, a floor, and a ceiling. Most families lived in a small company built houses, while the Reynolds family built two large, richly decorated homes, and the poor lived in cabins or log houses. The one and a half story…